
Liposuction is a medical surgery which helps a person to look slim and reshape specific areas of the body by removing excess fat deposits. This also helps in improving body contours.

Liposuction can be opted if a person fails to lose weight from diet and exercise. The unsightly distribution of body fat is usually due to an inborn tendency to deposit fat in one area of the body, most commonly the hips. Other areas include; the neck, arms, tummy, loins, thighs, inner side of the knees and the ankles.

When an individual gains weight, the fat cells also increases in size and volume. Liposuction helps in reducing the number of fat cells.

Reduce Chest Fat

Gynecomastia is the medical term used for male Breasts reduction. It is a medical condition in which male breasts tissues are enlarged.

Gynecomastia is the most common reason for medical evaluation of the male breast. Some men have excess fat on the chests which looks like they have breasts, this is known as false Gynecomastia (Pseudo Gynecomastia).

Some men ignore this while others are very keen and concerned and opt for surgical correction. Rarely, the breast enlargement can be caused by medicines (for high blood pressure, heart disease and prostate cancer), drugs (such as marijuana and anabolic steroids), some diseases (such as liver failure and some cancers) and some very rare congenital abnormalities (errors of development that one is born with.

Most teenage boys experience some degree of breast enlargement affecting one or both breasts. However, by early adulthood less than 10% have a residual problem.

Read More About Male Breast


Fluctuations in weight and growing older can cause your upper arms to have a dropping, sagging appearance. This condition cannot be corrected by exercises. The sagging skin which hangs out after massive weight loss causes problems to wear right clothes, causes embarrassment. This can be corrected by a surgical procedure known as Arm Lift.

Removing the excess skin caused by weight loss or natural aging can tighten loose skin that extends from the underarm area to the elbow; liposuction is sometimes used in combination to achieve the best results.
The procedure will be dictated by your skin quality and the extent of excess underarm fat and skin. Your surgeon will help you make the right choice based on your anatomy and preferences.

Liposuction: Arm liposuction is an option for you if your skin has enough elasticity to shrink around the remaining tissues after your fat is removed. If your skin has poor elasticity, tissue sagging will be even more pronounced after fat is removed. Liposuction may also be used as an adjunct for fat removal in a standard brachioplasty procedure.

Liposuction may also be used as an adjunct for fat removal in a standard brachioplasty procedure. Standard brachioplasty:


If your excess skin extends like a bat wing from the armpit to the elbow, the only option is complete removal of the arm flab in a standard brachioplasty.

Extended brachioplasty: An extended arm lift is similar to a standard brachioplasty, except that the incision is extended along the arm down to the body to include loose skin and fatty tissue that might be just under the arm area along the side of the chest wall. Loose skin in that area is common in patients who have had massive weight loss.


A thigh lift is a procedure that involves the removal of excess skin and fat from either the inner or outer thighs. This is often desirable after substantial or bariatric weight loss or in individuals for whom dieting and exercise have failed to reduce excess tissue in their upper thighs. Liposuction may be used as an adjunct to the recontouring of the inner thigh. If you are committed to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a moderate weight, a thigh lift can help you regain the youthful thigh contours you desire.

How is a thigh lift procedure performed?

Medial (inner) thigh lift: An incision is made in the groin area, and any excess fat and skin are excised along the inner aspect of the thigh. Liposuction may be but is not always included in this procedure, depending on your individual requirements. The area from the groin to the knee is recontoured and the procedure is repeated for the other thigh. If a more substantial wedge of tissue is removed, the procedure is called a thighplasty.

Lateral (outer) thigh lift: This is a more complex procedure, usually involving recontouring of the buttocks as well as the outer thighs and removal of more tissue. Scarring is more extensive, and the skin will be less elastic after the surgery, so weight should be maintained.



In order to properly treat the entire central abdomen, Dr. Nageshwari Sharma addresses all four quadrants of the abdomen. In this way, the treatment is consistent through the entire stomach. When only one area of the abdomen is treated, the untreated area may bulge over time, leading to an uneven and disproportionate appearance. Because Dr. Nageshwari Sharma treats the entire abdomen as a single unit, it leads to long-lasting tightened contours.

In treating the central abdomen, there are several aspects the doctor keeps in mind.

  • Approaching the abdomen from multiple angles, preventing treatment irregularities and a donut of fat around the belly button

  • Identifying when patients have poor skin elasticity, allowing him to be conservative in his approach without leaving an empty skin envelope after treatment

  • Applying the cannula parallel to the skin surface, preventing dimpling or unnecessary damage to surrounding tissues
